Product Item Settings

Step 1:

  1. Go to Customizer

  2. Theme Settings

  3. Product Item Settings

Show the second image on hover

Product Image Size

  • You can add a custom ratio for the product images

The best way is to upload images of all products of the same size.

Suppose you need a square-shaped image for the product. You should create the same size image for all products, then upload the image for all products.

Product Title

  • You can enable/disable title from the product grid

  • You can control product title length

Fixed Content / No Hover

Show variant on hover

Product Content Alignment

Product Countdown

Product Badge Control / Text Change

Pre-Order Button Text

Product "Add To Cart" Button Text Change

Product Ajax Cart Type

  1. Ajax Spin Cart

  2. Ajax Popup Cart

  3. Without Ajax Cart

Ajax Spin Cart

Ajax Popup Cart

Without Ajax Cart

Product Quick View

Step 1:

Step 2:

Product Wishlist

How to configure wishlist, please follow the instructions -

Whislist Page

Product Compare

Last updated